The Best Distraction

As a wedding photographer, I like to share a blog post for each wedding I shoot. Every wedding is different and, although some weddings are held at the same venue, the couple are always different, their families and friends celebrate in their own way and the vision of the day is always particular to that couple.

And so it’s nice to showcase my wedding photography portfolio via my blog as I think it’s important for prospective couples to see a selection of 100 or so images entirely from one wedding, from preps to dancefloor, rather than just rely on a slideshow of my ‘best images’. I think couples want to see how a wedding photographer covers a wedding from start to finish to get an idea of how the photographer works and a feeling of the collection of images that they will ultimately receive.

So this is how I normally operate. However, a newborn baby and a toddler will hurl a gigantic sleep-deprived spanner in the works of any wedding photography blog and hence this little bite-sized explanation as to why I am a little behind in my updates.

My second little boy arrived after being very overdue towards the end of April this year and life is so much busier. Mainly because I want to continue to reap the benefits of being able to be there for my new baby and his two and a half year old brother so a lot of my time recently has been taken up by nappy changes, 4am bottle feeds and tardy nursery runs.

But I wouldn’t change it and am eternally grateful for the fact that the job I love allows me to spend valuable time with the wife and little humans I love. So although my wedding blog may be a little Brexit-like regarding its time-keeping skills, I really do have the best distraction.